Everything is bursting at the seams

How my escape room business didn't work out

I would like to continue to tell about our experience in quest rooms, if you do not know the beginning and did not read the previous article, then I recommend that you first read it on link here.

The story stopped at the fact that one of the partners - the owners expressed a desire to get out of the business. This is certainly an unpleasant situation, but at that time we decided with the remaining partners that we could handle it.

The partner wanted to sell us his parts, initially at a higher price, but in the end they agreed on the amount of the initial investment. That is, the partner lost on his part: time and his subsequent investments, what he did after that. We considered with existing partners that, in general, this is a fair price and bought out a share.

Now I understand that we made another serious mistake. We did not have enough resources and money, we had to constantly report personal money to the company in order to keep it in an operational state, and we also took and released an additional resource from the company, which could also solve some issues or throw in money.

The presence of the second branch with the quest application also took a lot of time and everything began to accumulate like a snowball. For example, we put all priority on the 3rd quest room, which was supposed to consist of 3 rooms with a total of about 60 km meters. Strongly confused with the plot and automation in order to make something that did not exist yet in the Estonian market. We agreed with the contractors on the list of works in the quest room and, unfortunately, they let us down just as badly. Our idea did not work perfectly. The system worked in 70% of cases and it was difficult to understand why this happened. There seemed to be interference from other wires and systems. In general, the system was not working to run it for clients. In addition, our surroundings were still lame. We needed money again to buy everything.

Survival game

It seems that with our undertaking, we ourselves have already begun to play some very difficult quest - how to get out of this whole ass :). And the butt got fatter and heavier. At one fine moment, both of our administrators, in the interval of about a month or two, announced their desire to leave, and not because we did not pay or paid little or the work was not interesting, but simply that usually no one stays at this job for a long time, we were generally lucky to work with them for about half a year, and in the service sector such people are considered directly veterans.

For the remaining owners, the whole situation is far from being funny. One partner in Narva, two wildly busy with other duties in Tallinn. There are no administrators, there is no one to run games and existing bookings, the third room is not completed, income does not cover expenses, we need to report money to the business, and we have all run out of money.

Another remarkable thing happened here. In other unused premises (we had a total of about 160 square meters), it turned out that the Tallinna Vesi heating main broke through and, according to the classics of the genre, passed directly under the floor. Tadam! If our half-dead mare could still somehow move, then now this mare met with a huge iceberg like that ship from the famous movie.

something like that with the rooms

The floor was opened for us, hellish humidity formed in the premises (it’s understandable, the heating main is zhezh). They didn't close up too much.

And it seems to be impossible to say that this was the last straw. There were so many of these drops that after a while I find it difficult to say what turned out to be the one, but at some point we all understood everything.

And about this wonderful enlightenment, it’s definitely something next time further.