How to ask for a pay rise?

Guide to multiple personal how to raise salaries

It turns out that the topic of salary and its discussion is difficult for many, and sometimes even almost taboo. Do you feel like you deserve a bigger paycheck but are embarrassed to ask? Then this post is for you, but first write your thoughts in the comments. I note all the comments and I am especially grateful to the active audience, it motivates me to write more.

The entire text below is my personal experience both on the part of the manager and on the part of the employee, I hope it will be useful.

For many it will be a revelation. You need to ask for a pay rise! At least once a year. Believe me, no one but yourself will take up the questions of your finances. Of course, it's good when an employer or your manager sees your progress in a timely manner and notes not only a kind word or praise, but also a salary increase. Unfortunately, there are only a few such employers/managers.

What happens in other cases? There are budgets according to which finances are distributed among all employees and once a year the salary is increased by 5% in order to cover inflation. It is very convenient for managers, employees do not (usually) ask for a raise on their own and work goes on without violating the budget structure, but in fact your internal dissatisfaction grows, there is no additional motivation in work, and you may think that you do not get what you deserve.

In fact, it is necessary to talk about salaries and it is important to mark some kind of milestones. How to do it? First, at least you yourself must consider that you are a good worker. What do you do "extra mile" and bring profit to the company. Of course, it doesn't make sense to talk about raising when you recently screwed up (lost, for example, 10k on a trade) or you did the minimum that is required of you. Secondly, it is important to “catch the wave” there should be a series of events that positively or positively marks you as an employee and it would be good to feel or catch the manager in a good mood or in approval of your results. This greatly increases your chances. 

Now let's imagine that you have been working as a god/goddess for the last 2 weeks, at your meeting with your supervisor you feel that the topics slide by themselves and both you and he/she are in a good mood. This is the perfect moment to ask a simple question: “Tell me, are you satisfied with me?”. It is unlikely that in such a combination of circumstances you will be answered negatively, although be prepared for such a development of the situation. It is important to note that in the case of a negative scenario, it is better to listen to what you are dissatisfied with and change the subject. You will receive feedback and will know what to work on. You can return to this topic a little later, after you fix your cons. It is important that the manager says: “Yes, I am very or just pleased with you!”. Bingo! We go to the second stage and ask the question directly on the forehead - "I would like to increase my salary increase by X euros." It is also important for yourself to designate how much at once? You should roughly understand how much your labor costs in the labor market, and you should also know what salary you would be satisfied with at a given time. This fixation shows the clarity and deliberation of your actions. I also advise you to sometimes throw an extra "sotik" euro as a buffer. Be prepared for the fact that they will give you from 50-80% of what you asked for, because this is still a business.

Regarding "give". Please note that the answer “yes, we will raise it now” will not follow in 90% of cases, since enterprises are inherently inert and this issue needs to be raised at higher levels. This is the whole point. It is necessary to ask, because it gives rise to all these inert processes.

Also, be prepared for the fact that a refusal in style may follow: we are now in a crisis or we do not have a budget right now. This is also normal, in any case, you have fixed at the point in time X that you are satisfied and that you have indicated your Wishlist. Real and good leaders will take care of this and at the first opportunity will try to satisfy your request. It is not good to leave a dismotivated worker

And I’m talking about how to raise salaries by 2 or more times in this post.

Write in the comments if you agree with my arguments or how did such processes go through for you? Or see what others have already written in Instagram